Ford - Ford Consul (1972 - 1975)

The Ford Consul name had been in use earlier (between 1950 and 1962) for a smaller car which would be fitted with the smaller 165HR13 tyres we make today. However the revived Consul made at Dagenham and Cologne between 1972 and 1975  was basically a lower priced version of the Ford Granada. The English versions used the Essex V4 and V6 engines, and often even outperformed the flagship Granada because they were quite a bit lighter! 

Ford Consul tyre size for cars built between 1972 and 1975 was originally 165R14 for the smaller capacity cars, and 185R14 (and the wider 205/70R14 size could also be fitted) and Blockley makes the perfect 165VR14, 185HR14 (with both black wall and a whitewall versions) and 205/70VR14 with good speed rated, period correct steel belt construction tyres. See full details of these tyres below:

The earlier Ford Consuls built between 1950 and 1962 (Consul 1 and Consul 2) originally had 13 inch wheels with tyre size 5.90x13 which is equivalent to Blockley radial tyre size 165HR13 , so we list this also below.

Blockley Products for Ford Ford Consul (1972 - 1975)


Blockley Radial

£78.00 (£93.60 inc. VAT)


Blockley Radial

£149.00 (£178.80 inc. VAT)

13/14 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)

185HR14 White Wall

Blockley Radial

£160.00 (£192.00 inc. VAT)


Blockley Radial

£129.00 (£154.80 inc. VAT)

155/165x13 Thickened Inner Tube

Blockley Thickened Inner Tube

£12.00 (£14.40 inc. VAT)



£83.00 (£99.60 inc. VAT)